Episode 52 - A Preventable Tragedy; Bringing Awareness To Noah’s Law - In Memory of Mchale Busch and Noah McConnell

Join the hosts for episode 52 as they discuss and bring awareness to ‘Noah’s Law’, also known as Bill C-336. The preventable tragedy behind the law is not only heart-breaking, but absolutely outrageous that something as horrible as this could happen in our country to two innocent victims that should have been protected from a Monster living next door. Listen as Christie and Denika dive into what this law entails, the changes that need to be made in this country to prevent any family from having to relive this, what needs to happen to keep our citizens safe by keeping track of these repeat-violent offenders and to start keeping them where they belong.


Episode 53 - The Ultimate Betrayal; The Murder of Manjit Panghali


Episode 51 - Evil Lurking In The Park; The Murders of The Bentley and Johnson Families